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June 20, 2017, 2:13 a.m. -  ZigaK

"If I could just roll up one afternoon, or mid-ride, and spend a half hour or an hour or whatever working on the trail, that would be far more likely to happen on a consistent basis." This^ However i don't understand why don't you? What is stopping you? Do you really need directions? Just clear a downed tree (if it's not to big), clip off a raspberry branch that is in the way, move some rocks, nothing fancy. In that way you clear a schedule of a master builder to focus on important things like vision, flow, fun factor and such crap :)  The tools needed: foldable saw, pruner, work gloves and a sturdy bag for carrying dirt all fit in a back pockets if you're a xc type or in a small backpack otherwise. I carry those with me on every ride and make a rule of doing at least 15 minutes of trail work every time.

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