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Aug. 30, 2016, 10:13 a.m. -  Nat Brown

#!markdown Fundamentally, body mass is a consequence of both how much you eat + drink, and how much energy you use through regular life + exercise. It is a simple balance - conservation of energy. People have their opinions on this, where one is more important than the other but I think that's generally a reflection of their own lifestyles and what side of the equation they have more room to improve. I'm guessing if you really ride 6-8 h per week, and did almost nothing close to that intensity of exercise for two decades, that while you've lost a bunch of body fat, your weight hasn't dropped as much as you'd like because you've gained some muscle mass in parallel. Certainly going from nothing to 6-8 h of moderate to high intensity exercise is a huge difference in your energy expenditure. Don't lose the faith, stick with it while increasing your outputs as your fitness improves and you'll just need to remain patient to keep losing the weight. Obviously using more energy by commuting on a bike, will help more, as will cutting down on the intake of energy through food and drink. Good that your blood pressure is coming down. I have familial high blood pressure that needs medication, and it's all fine, I don't feel bad from it. However, there are consequences. I have some changes to my ticker that render it somewhat less efficient as a result of me going 20+ years with untreated very high blood pressure. There's no going back on that, but I don't let that bother me either. Oh, and props for the Star Wars reference.

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