I second @tw.
It is important to understand that diet will impact 80%+ of your body
composition, not exercise, not calories in/calories out.
Running a calorie deficit and overexercising as @disqus_g2KMtHTS0V:disqus
mentioned is also likely to cause chronic stress and inflammation. If your
body thinks you are starving and under constant attack it will hold on to
extra calories (read: body fat) for dear life. This makes sense from a
survival perspective. It is also not fun to be hungry all the time.
As @tw mentioned you should focus on a nutrient dense diet. I highly recommend
taking a look at <http://www.marksdailyapple.com/welcome-to-marks-daily-
apple/> as an introduction.
Aug. 30, 2016, 12:44 p.m. - Gogh Banana
#!markdown I second @tw. It is important to understand that diet will impact 80%+ of your body composition, not exercise, not calories in/calories out. Running a calorie deficit and overexercising as @disqus_g2KMtHTS0V:disqus mentioned is also likely to cause chronic stress and inflammation. If your body thinks you are starving and under constant attack it will hold on to extra calories (read: body fat) for dear life. This makes sense from a survival perspective. It is also not fun to be hungry all the time. As @tw mentioned you should focus on a nutrient dense diet. I highly recommend taking a look at <http://www.marksdailyapple.com/welcome-to-marks-daily- apple/> as an introduction.