Chris, some interesting points raised.
1) Careful about attributing numbers to the probability of e-bikers or other
user groups to litter or show less respect. Is this conjecture or are you able
to point to anything quantifiable? Let's not turn this into a witch hunt. Have
a look at a pedal-powered race course post-race. Covered in wrappers from
energy bars and gels, spent tubes, etc. Bikers can be disrespectful, too.
2) The bike path point is interesting and I agree that scooters shouldn't be
welcome there. However commuting is not a recreational pursuit, so that's a
totally different conversation.
3) What e-mtb stuff do you refer to as being a threat to being seen all over
the trails?
Sept. 3, 2014, 10:48 a.m. - Pete Roggeman
#!markdown Chris, some interesting points raised. 1) Careful about attributing numbers to the probability of e-bikers or other user groups to litter or show less respect. Is this conjecture or are you able to point to anything quantifiable? Let's not turn this into a witch hunt. Have a look at a pedal-powered race course post-race. Covered in wrappers from energy bars and gels, spent tubes, etc. Bikers can be disrespectful, too. 2) The bike path point is interesting and I agree that scooters shouldn't be welcome there. However commuting is not a recreational pursuit, so that's a totally different conversation. 3) What e-mtb stuff do you refer to as being a threat to being seen all over the trails?