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Sept. 3, 2014, 1:35 p.m. -  Michael Stormer

#!markdown Getting off topic - but oh well. I agree with the sentiment, but disagree with the solution. There are several problems with a tax, or a tax type situation. 1\. Taxes never end up in the right hands, they get funnelled through several layers of bureaucracy and chipped away until it is of no use to anyone. 2\. Taxes, or any compulsory payment give users a sense of earned entitlement, which I speculate would create more trail abuse (braiding etc) by those who think they have earned it by paying those fees that they resent, and that someone who they "paid" will just fix it later. 3\. It wouldn't create that sense of ownership, and pride that currently exists with those who do trail build, join associations, buy a trail pass etc. I think the NSMBA has been doing a great job in the past few years, and I believe membership is increasing year over year. There is still a lot of room for improvement, but I think a positive approach to voluntary support (payment, or labour) is preferable to tax. As for e bikes. If someone has a physical limitation (being unfit doesn't count) - then go for it. If you don't have a physical limitation, and ride one anyway, I will work on the assumption that you have a mental limitation.

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