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Sept. 4, 2014, 12:36 p.m. -  Pete Roggeman

#!markdown The distinction between a NSMBA membership and a trail pass is not explained well anywhere and they need to improve their channels of communication in that regard. I'm a huge fan of the work they're doing and spend a lot of time thinking about/advocating/working on trails but having a tiered contribution system that isn't comprehensible in <2 seconds is a mistake and is costing them a lot of membership/trail pass sales. If more people can get to the trails, you might argue that is a larger audience for future progress with advocacy. Assuming an e-bike buyer won't be motivated to work on trails is not necessarily a fair assumption. What about the years of downhill-only riders we've seen on the shore who never turn a pedal on the way up, preferring instead to shuttle or push?

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