As stated in the article, there are two types of electric bikes. E-bikes have
a throttle, like a motorbike. Pedelecs only supplement the power you are
already supplying. No pedaling = no additional power available. Electric
motorbikes, like what Norona had/has, are NOT built around bicycle parts,
they're built around motorcycle parts, with motorcycle tires, way more weight,
astounding torque and power, and no speed limitation. Totally different
Sept. 4, 2014, 12:39 p.m. - Pete Roggeman
#!markdown As stated in the article, there are two types of electric bikes. E-bikes have a throttle, like a motorbike. Pedelecs only supplement the power you are already supplying. No pedaling = no additional power available. Electric motorbikes, like what Norona had/has, are NOT built around bicycle parts, they're built around motorcycle parts, with motorcycle tires, way more weight, astounding torque and power, and no speed limitation. Totally different animal.