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Aug. 27, 2014, 10:18 a.m. -  NatBrown

#!markdown Interesting article. My guess is that Red Bull is thinking ahead of anything discussed here, and I'm not just talking about their involvement in MTB. I think their business model is much broader that selling energy drink and that they're looking to the future of how people view media (as it is currently being revolutionised), and how they can get a big slice of it. Red Bull Media House is a big example of their investment in this. It's a very powerful thing having a significant media outlet. As much as I love watching the races, I preferred the Freecaster broadcasts from a few years ago for the relative lack of professionalism, commentary in particular. Warner generally knows his shit obviously, but I preferred the tone of commentary before Red Bull. It's more 'lowest common denominator' with Red Bull doing it now.

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