Landshapes: Dylan Sherrard
Dylan Sherrard shows us how the clay spires, sagebrush, and the wildlife of Kamloops has been a driving force behind his two-wheeled self...
e*thirteen TRSr Carbon Cranks
The Hive's e13 TSR cranks use proprietary tools for the bottom bracket and direct mount chain ring, and crank removal. All made of steel and included!
167 km/h on MTB: Should I Care?
"While it is impressive that he was able to hurtle down 45º slope in Chile at 167 km/h down, I’m stuck wondering a few things..."
Fatness Goals
For those of us who get our fitness entirely from the mountain bike, winter can be a frustrating and fat making time...
You Should Ride a Rigid Fork
If you own a hardtail, Andrew Major thinks you should add a rigid fork to add spice to your trails and convince your friends you're a badass...
Save Your Hands? Spank Vibrocore Bars
Looking for the stiffest bar available but not wanting to feel like you've been beaten with it? That is what Spank's Vibrocore promises...
Ask Uncle Dave – Contractual Obligations
"I’m a little bit saddened that Specialized Gravity thought that this was the fourth most important piece of information..."
Hello Darkness, My Old Friend
"I pointed my bike downhill and half rode, half skied my way back to my house..."
Ask Uncle Dave – How do I Break my funk?
"It's easy to feel inadequate if you aren't slaying foreign trail with a Red Bull in one hand and a Gopro in the other..."
Best of 2016 – Todd’s Picks
Todd's list is simple: a tool and a trail. But what a trail and tool they are.
Has the Coastal Crew Sold Out?
"They are, after all, some of the most genuine and humble riders in the sport, untainted by sugar water sponsorhip..."
Uncle Dave Succumbs to the Nog
Uncle Dave is here to cheer you up - by making you feel better about your 2016 - but at least he's still keen on sharing music...
Big Mountain Monday: Fear Funnel
This week’s Big Mountain Monday sees Doerfling take on a line that features a wickedly steep funnel.
Single Spd Bikepacking Finnish Style
"ERKKI PUNTTILA approaches bikepacking excursions with a straightforward manner and plenty of dry humour..."
Send Sean to the Shore
"Sean has been battling cancer for many years and unfortunately it appears he has a limited time left to fight..."
Uncle Dave Wants You off his Lawn
"Maybe some cop saying you can’t drink a beer on the beach. Or some old guy with a moustache lecturing you trailside about your mountain bike..."
Crashing and Laughing
No pros or posturing, just good old fashioned carnage and belly laughs.
Pink Starfish Trail Permanently Closed
“One of the more iconic trails on Mount Fromme has been declared permanently closed by the District…”
Uncle Dave Gives Dental Advice
"I crashed 10 years ago and my tooth turned blue. Should I get it fixed and give up my bluetooth joke or keep it..."
Stevie Smith Bike Park Approved!
Stevie talked about wanting a cool place to ride near his home to develop young riders and help them build some skills...
Activities to Preserve Sanity When You Can’t Ride
My wife has compared me to our dog in the sense that I need some sort of activity every day or I get all fidgety, at least I hope that's what she meant...
Stuck in an Echo Chamber
"I waded through pictures of myself peppered with insane hashtags and dog whistles**, and I actually started to feel a bit sad..."
For A Living: Trail Builders
Who are the real pros? The riders who travel the world showing off their skills, or the ones who toil at home to build the trails we love...
How to Rip Like A Rider From B.C.?
"At night, between mouthfuls of food, we'd discuss how... the skill set of BC riders is light years ahead of us..."