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What the Hell is a Chuckanut?

Video Bryn Atkinson

Bryn Atkinson isn't racing DH on the world cup anymore, but that hasn't slowed him down. This is a fantastic short that he created on his own (with a little help from partner Jill Kintner to hit record on each take).

NSMB: Bryn, that was great. Did I read that right - you filmed, edited, AND did the music? F@cking nice job, mate. (is that Jill holding the camera in the last shot or just hanging out beside it?)

Bryn Atkinson: Yeah, all tripod shots. I set 'em all up, Jill pressed the button, (on some days) and I edited and made the beat. Fun little deal. Jill was trying to do a bunch of handheld stuff when I started filming on this one...but yeah, I smashed into her, real hard...not good! Haha. (she was fine, by the way).

April 2017
Chuckanut Mountains, WA
Filmed, Edited & Music by Bryn Atkinson

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Chuckanut is a twisty road south out of B-ham. Maybe this place is close to there?


Well, this vid was made in Bellingham by a guy that lives there, so you might be getting warm...


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