Val di Sole 2022 | Pre-Race Video Roundup
Most Physical Track of the Year? - Jackson Goldstone Val di Sole GoPro Course Preview | Red Bull Bike
Save the best for last right? The Black Snake in Val di Sole, Italy, can definitely live up to the name of one of most demanding downhill MTB tracks in the World. Not convinced? Watch Jackson Goldstone's GoPro Course Preview and you'll know that the grande finale of the 2022 downhill world cup season will be an absolute heater of a race!
Puzzling through a rough practice at Val di Sole | FOX
It's practice day at Val di Sole and the track is just as brutal and rough as ever. Time for some puzzling.
Val di Sole DH World Cup Trackwalk | WynTV
It's Wyn TV! Wyn Masters checks in with the riders to hear their thoughts heading into the final world cup race of the season.
Pit Challenge - Bob Ross who? | Santa Cruz Syndicate
"You can't be good at everything, ARR Lass"
There isn't always a lot going on on pit set-up day and we don't want the riders to spend all day enjoying themselves and riding their bikes, so we make them do challenges they really don't want to do.
For the final one of the year, we wanted to see who had a strong Picasso game. Nina Hoffmann and Laurie Greenland go head-to-head in a little drawing challenge.
Turns out Loz ain't half bad at a scribble....Nina, on the other hand doesn't need to quit the day job just yet.
Val di Sole MTB World Cup DH | VitalMTB RAW
Pour one out for the last UCI Mountain Bike World Cup Downhill Vital RAW of 2022. The Val di Sole track is ruthless!
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