Smith Celebrates 50 Years
The first thing Dr. Bob Smith pioneered in 1965 was a sealed thermal lens and breathable vent foam so that his goggles wouldn’t fog up as quickly – leading to more runs on a powder day. Sounds like solid grounds for inspiration. In 2015 Smith is celebrating 50 years in the eyewear and helmet business. We’ll spare you the full PR text but it has to be said there was less spew in there than normal – Smith’s character runs deeper than a few cool people on the front line. They’ll be moving their head office this year from Ketchum, Idaho to Portland, Oregon; Sun Valley’s loss is Cascadia’s gain, but we expect the company to continue to thrive and continue to produce quality stuff that works and lasts through a lot of abuse in the pursuit of deeper snow and loamier loam.
Happy Birthday, Smith.
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