RCMP Arrest Trail Saboteur
Those of us who ride in the area have known this has been happening for years; logs and branches strategically placed on several trails near where Mount Fromme meets Dempsey Road near Mountain Highway in North Van. Talk on the NSMB bulletin board about how to stop this dangerous practice, and perhaps record evidence of these actions being perpetrated, ramped up in recent months as the logs and obstructions increased in volume and frequency.
The efforts of two mountain bikers have paid off and police have apprehended a 64-year old woman who is accused of two criminal code violations. These industrious riders, who wish to remain anonymous at this point, placed a wildlife camera on a tree to record activity on a section of trail that was frequently covered in debris that seemed to be placed to obstruct mountain bikes. The as-yet-unnamed woman is schedule to appear in North Vancouver court on Feb. 4th.
Several times I had to ride off the trail or stop abruptly because of these obstructions but in recent months I made sure to examine the trail and clear obstacles before my descent. If you have been injured by obstacles that may have been placed by this individual I encourage you to contact police. Based on my observations it is reasonable to assume that intent to injure was one of the goals of this methodical and relentless campaign.
We’ll be following this story closely.
For press inquiries call 1.604.833.6796 or email [email protected]
Obstructing biking trails leads to criminal charges
North Vancouver
File # 2015-77
2015-01-07 07:54 PST
A 64 year-old female has been charged criminally for allegedly setting up logs and rocks on biking trails with the intention to obstruct mountain bikers. The North Vancouver resident was caught numerous times on hidden trail cams. Caught on camera was an individual appearing to intentionally lay logs, branches, and rocks on the Quarry and Lower Skull trails, located just off the 1200 block of Dempsey Road in North Vancouver.
The arrest came as a result of the observations by two local mountain bikers who regularly use the public trails. Between August 1st and December 29th, 2014, the bikers noticed weekly obstructions on the trail which, at times, became dangerous for them and other bikers. For the month of December 2014, the two bikers took it upon themselves to purchase, install, and monitor security cameras in the hopes of capturing an image of the offender.
On Sunday, January 04, 2015 at approximately 5:00 am, acting on video evidence, the North Vancouver RCMP arrested the female at the head of Quarry Trail.
The alleged suspect was brought before a Justice of the Peace and released with conditions to not attend or go near any of the biking trails tampered with. Police are requesting criminal charges of:
Setting of Trap – Section 247 (1) Criminal Code
Mischief to Property – Sec 430 (1) Criminal Code
The accused is set to appear in court on February 04, 2015 to face the alleged offences.
These are serious charges – these are public trails and one should not interfere with the lawful enjoyment of the trails and set up traps or obstacles to potentially endanger the lives of people using them, said Cpl. Richard De Jong, spokesperson for the North Vancouver RCMP. Fortunately no one was seriously hurt or injured in these incidents.
Media Relations
North Vancouver RCMP
This sends an appropriate message to trail users in North Van and elsewhere.
Ray Vermette
10 years ago
appropriate sentence for this vigilante would be community labour in
the form of trail maintenance. Best case scenario, she learns that
mountain bikers are trail allies, not enemies. Worse case scenario, she
learns that her actions had the exact opposite impact she intended.
Bobby Warren
10 years ago
I agree that community service is a good thing. However, since she appears to love the outdoors and thinks she is protecting it, maybe she needs to be denied the opportunity to be outdoors at all. I think if she is fixing trails it give her more opportunity to think how she was caught and be more cautious the next time she gets free. A heart does not change because it gets caught, only when she sees the light. Having her serve those who have been injured may bring her a little closer to seeing the impact of her misplaced passions. She needs to experience someone else's misery.
10 years ago
A pervasive problem almost everywhere (check out California). We have a downhill trail here in the Brokanagan Valley that drops from Silver Star to Vernon (Spanky's). It's been there for decades. Some unbalanced locals have done the same sabotage to discourage riders. Before moving to Vernon BC, we lived in Phoenix AZ for 10 years. A small subdivision was being built adjacent to the Phoenix mountain trail network. Locals tried to block access to the trails. An unbalanced rider decided to burn 9 of the homes before they were completed to make his statement. He was caught and criminally charged. I believe it did encourage people to think twice about blocking trails near their homes. Extreme people on both sides. Nobody wins.
10 years ago
Finally!!! A couple of years back I tried my hardest to catch this woman but could never beat this yearly bird to the trails. For me the last straw was when she stared sticking branches like spears on the trail. Thankyou anonymous mountain bikers for doing this covert and well executed. Very, very much appreciated. Far too many years of this nonsense.
John Utah
10 years ago
re trails spears
I was riding Richard Juryn trail last monday and had to dodge a "trail spear" like you describe. It was in the middle of the trail on the 2nd dh section of the trail pointing up hill . Freaked me out I just missed it , stupidly dangerous..
10 years ago
Easy with the harsh comments!
This women's actions speak for themselves, and us making threatening comments certainly don't put mountain bikers in a great light.
It looks like the m-s media is already onto this site. Cam and Pete made an eloquent and positive portrayal of us on tonight's news. The last thing we need is other commenters making us look like a band of simple-minded thugs.
I imagine more than one member of the N. Van RCMP detachment is a rider…I have a feeling this case is in good hands!
Nat Brown
10 years ago
I couldn't agree more. Not only shouldn't we look like simple-minded thugs, we shouldn't BE simple-minded thugs. Simmer down.
10 years ago
The photo credit - ha ha…. Feel free to call me KittenCuddler or SquirrelStroker if it sounds less 'angry' 😀 (I had nothing to with investigation - just tend to see things when walking the hound….)
Kyle B
10 years ago
give her the death sentence
Pete Roggeman
10 years ago
That is a terribly misguided comment, Kyle. Let's keep this civil, please.
Kyle B
10 years ago
thought it was pretty obvious i was joking
Pete Roggeman
10 years ago
No, it wasn't. If you look at some of the reactions in other comment sections or threads on our bulletin board and others, you'll see some pretty brutal statements from riders that want to fight fire with fire. Yours was obviously an exaggeration, but also seemed to fit into that description. Thanks for clarifying.
10 years ago
This has been going on for years on this area of Fromme. I have always removed the obstacles when I saw them, only to see them obsessively replaced as soon as the following day. Will be great to see it stop. Props to the riders that put up the cameras.
Sheila S
10 years ago
Im with CTV News - we are looking for additional details on this story. If anyone has additional info they'd be willing to share - please contact me: [email protected]
10 years ago
Ha, this is nothing compared to what happens here sometimes, they place pieces of wood with nails sticking out of them or pull barbed wire across the trail…
Pete Roggeman
10 years ago
Well…setting wildlife cameras seems to be an effective way to gather evidence. I'm sure we'll hear of it being done elsewhere.
Ip Eh
10 years ago
Was it Monica Craver? Is she back and haunting again? Spooky.
Pete Roggeman
10 years ago
It is not.
10 years ago
Sad to think its someone other than the North Shore's most famous trail troll as it means we have a new enemy.
I'm still holding out hope that this is defensible misinformation.
Pete Roggeman
10 years ago
True but this is not the first trail saboteur we've encountered (or that has been caught) and it probably won't be the last. However, the threat of having their name released in public as well as legal action will hopefully make others think twice in the future.
10 years ago
Pure evil ! Glad they got the culprit.
Give her an Enduro kit (proper colors and silly lid) …
Strap her in her wheelchair and let her have some fun on her version of Skull.
Video and audio please!
10 years ago
By Feb 4 everyone will know who this person is.
10 years ago
What a low-life… can't wait to hear her try and talk her way out of this
10 years ago
Burn the witch!
10 years ago
Get her Jim Lahey!
George Av
10 years ago
My local woods is full of fucked up old shitty people and their dogs, once i found a few 8ft long logs dragged into a berm and one of the jumps had stacks of wood completely covering the sizable jump.. They've even went as far as to nail wood together. If I ever see someone doing this, I'll modify their face.
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