Industry News
PayDirt: More than a dozen brands donate to a better future for bikes
PayDirt: More than a dozen brands donate to a better future for bikes
We’re proud to announce that more than a dozen brands have continued their commitment to PayDirt for 2024, pledging to make the world a better, more accessible, and more sustainable place to ride. Through our partners, we’re able to fuel momentum in cycling more sustainably, beyond the ups and downs of economic headwinds or pressure.
Thanks to our partners, the PayDirt program helps fund 55 projects across eight different countries. Out of these, 22 of the projects are specifically focused on DEI by creating more access to riding bicycles for underserved communities, such as BIPOC riders, women, youth, and adaptive riders. $1.6 million of funding, since the beginning of the program in 2020, has been leveraged through matching grants and fundraisers to nearly $5 million, which has created a huge impact towards more access, as well as strong direct relationships with cyclists, activists, retail dealers, and a whole new audience of people.
We are opening up applications for 2024 to keep the momentum going. To learn more or apply, visit Whether applying for funding, volunteering for projects, or contributing to the program, PayDirt is built around creating opportunities for more individuals, organizations, and businesses alike to get onboard with getting more people on bikes. Lastly, please join us in thanking our partners for their continued support. It takes real vision and commitment to look beyond the present to lay the groundwork for tomorrow.
1 month ago
Underserved is quite the overused word.
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