
Monthly Wallpaper: September 2024

Photos A.J. Barlas

All rock armour is not created equal, and the armoured path that Coen Skrypnek is pictured here riding has lasted years without the need for any tweaks or updates and is likely to survive many more without issue. If I had to guess, I would assume (incorrectly, as usual) that this craftsmanship was created by Ken Melamed, the master trail builder and rock armour magician from Whistler. Alas, this is in Squamish, near some of the most popular climbing routes in town, and has nothing to do with Ken.

The image was taken several years ago when Coen was much younger, just as burly on the bike, and equally fast. Since then, he’s refined his skills and put more energy where it counts against the clock. Now at the University of Victoria, Coen is another of the Sea To Sky rippers who spends ample time in the winter enjoying the milder conditions around southern Vancouver Island.


  1. Click the link below that is appropriate for your use - desktop or mobile.
  2. When the new tab opens, right-click or long-press to download the image.
  3. Follow your device's instructions for setting the new image as the background/wallpaper.

DESKTOP: https://nsmb.com/media/images/nsmb-calendar-wallpaper-september-24.original.jpg

DESKTOP (image only - no calendar markings): https://nsmb.com/media/images/nsmb-wallpaper-september-24.original.jpg

MOBILE: https://nsmb.com/media/images/nsmb-wallpaper-mobile-september-24.original.jpg

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How to set desktop background on a Mac.

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