Greg Minnaar - The G.O.A.T.

Greg Minnaar has been riding bikes and winning races for a while. First breaking onto the racing scene 22 years ago at Big Bear, Minnaar has subsequently put down 104 World Cup race runs, been crowned World Champion on three occasions, and stood on countless other podiums as well.

To celebrate a decade of colaboration with Adidas Five Ten, they've cut this tasty shreddit for your viewing pleasure!

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0 Zayphod Velocipedestrian Tremeer023 Dogl0rd

Great rider but far from being the Greatest of all time. That title belongs to Anne Carol Chausson followed by Rachel Atherton. If you want to count only the men then he is still behind Nicolas Vouilloz who have 5 titles and 7 senior world championship jerseys. Not to mention he did it all before being 25 years old. Gwin is probably second best with 5 titles as well as 20 world cup wins.


+2 Perry Schebel Dogl0rd

On paper you may be right but when Voullioz and Chausson were in their prime, the sport of DH was quite different than it is today.  Minnaar's career has spanned through the evolution of DH and he has proved his competitiveness throughout (including a 4th at Maribor yesterday).  It is such a different sport today so for me he is currently the best dh rider of all time.


0 Velocipedestrian Dogl0rd

Greg Minnaar has done many great things in his career including beating the legendary Nicolas Vouilloz for his first overall title. Nonetheless, facts are still facts and he still needs 2 more overall titles (which might be difficult to achieve) and at least 4 more World Championship jerseys (which is highly unlikely to happen). I find it disrespectful of those others to call him the GOAT. Legend yes but not the GOAT.


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