Paul Stevens’ CWX Photo Blog

Photos Paul Stevens

Paul Stevens has nominated himself as our man on the ground for Crankworx 2011. Here’s his look at the first three days of madness.

Friday July 15th

crankworx, whistler 2011, 2012, paul stevens  The circus rolls in to town. This could be a pile of boxes for any of the many set ups that were going up today, but “mixed parts” wins the award for the most vague label of the day

crankworx, whistler 2011, 2012, paul stevens   The Sram team prepares for the onslaught of servicing, questions and carnage for the week to come

crankworx, whistler 2011, 2012, paul stevens   Mason tells me what position he is predicting for his deep summer photo challenge team this week

crankworx, whistler 2011, 2012, paul stevens    The rental army rolls out for an assault on crank it up

crankworx, whistler 2011, 2012, paul stevens   Possibly the busiest guy in crankworx: Alan golds, one man, two phones, three companies to organize logistics for, one bar (GLC) to run, all on the busiest week of the year. good luck buddy!

crankworx, whistler 2011, 2012, paul stevens   Local boy Matt Ryan tears round the one gravel corner in the fat tire crit, that was catching a few people out.

crankworx, whistler 2011, 2012, paul stevens  4th and 5th place local riders Charlton Durie and Dylan Wolsky put up a strong fight

crankworx, whistler 2011, 2012, paul stevens   But no one could match the power of “flyin” Brian Lopes, straight from the BC bike race to a win on Crankworx day one. He’s still got it!

Saturday July 16th

crankworx, whistler 2011, 2012, paul stevens   The rain was relentless today. It never looked like letting up, I don’t think anybody left the park dry.

crankworx, whistler 2011, 2012, paul stevens   Undeterred by the sheets of rain, hoards of people were still milling through the village checking out the show

crankworx, whistler 2011, 2012, paul stevens   Riders take a break from the rain underneath the road

crankworx, whistler 2011, 2012, paul stevens   The dual slalom track held up surprisingly well considering how much rain fell over the course of the day, but parts began to get pretty rutted and difficult towards the end.

crankworx, whistler 2011, 2012, paul stevens   Last year’s dual slalom winner Kyle Strait was on form again, and took third spot on the podium behind Mitch Ropelato and Mick Hannah, and with Marosi crashing out in round 1, he threw a 360 and a huge shoulder buzz table in the second round of the small final!

Sunday July 17th

crankworx, whistler 2011, 2012, paul stevens   Today it was all about the canadian open, it wasn’t as wet as yesterday, but it was sure greasy!

crankworx, whistler 2011, 2012, paul stevens   Hecklers rock began as a small but committed gathering of shirtless fans.

crankworx, whistler 2011, 2012, paul stevens   …and soon turned into a crazed mob, just yelling at everything that moved!

crankworx, whistler 2011, 2012, paul stevens   Of course there was a barrage of home-made signs

crankworx, whistler 2011, 2012, paul stevens   Heckle fest seemed to be the subject of almost every finish line interview. Here some of the fast guys enjoy the action on the way up

crankworx, whistler 2011, 2012, paul stevens   Brett Tippie, getting amongst it in true Tippie style

Until next time!


That’s the way Paul saw the first three days of Crankworx. What did you see?

Posted in: News, Trail Tales

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