nsmbA Needs You

By some measures the nsmbA is going great guns.  The trail days are well attended and the work done makes a real difference to the maintenance situation.  Trails are rarely dumbed down because of the trail days (although they often flow better) and usually they are more fun afterward.

There is more good news but here is some bad news.  The nsmbA has only 62 paid members currently despite an email list in the 2000 range.  There doesn’t seem to be any sort of long range strategy.  Overall the condition of the trails doesn’t seem to be improving.  Worca and Sorca (Whistler and Squamish associations) applied for and received sizeable grants for trail construction in 2009.  Worca gets a budget from the municipality ever year for trail work – and the municipality employs builders as well.  Squamish even got funding (I heard 75 grand) to build what has been described as an A Line style trail.  Professional builders are being paid to work on this trail.

Why isn’t this happening here in North Van?  Worca gets hundreds of riders of all stripes out to their Twoonie races and there is an amazing vibe at these events.

Does the nsmba do some good work?  Absolutely.  Does more need to be done? I think so.

Here’s what nsmbA president Matt Bond has to say about Thursday’s meeting.


Your Input Will Determine the Future of the NSMBA

The NSMBA is an organization dedicated to the accessibility of trails and support of mountain biking on the North Shore. We exist because of the efforts of dedicated volunteers and support of members such as you.

When volunteers are few and far between, and members are silent in their support, the organization begins to falter. The NSMBA and the existence of accessible trails on the North Shore are at a tipping point.

At the AGM, I will present two options describing the future of our organization. Your voice will determine whether the NSMBA is revitalized to meet its full potential, or withers and ceases to exist.

Here are some questions to think about before the AGM:

Do you agree with the current mission of the NSMBA? If not, how should it be changed?

What is your vision for the future of mountain biking on the North Shore?

How can the NSMBA support your vision?

What priorities should the NSMBA have in 2010?

Even if you don’t know the answers to these questions, please come out to the AGM. We will be there to help you by asking questions, presenting possibilities, promoting discussion and brainstorming, and pulling together abstract ideas into a distinct vision and plan that resonates with everyone.

Even if you don’t feel comfortable speaking your mind in front of the crowd, please come out to the AGM. We will have a booth set up where you can submit your ideas and comments, anonymously.

Finally, if you’re having a baby and can’t possibly make it to the AGM, let us know your thoughts via email at [email protected].

I look forward to seeing you at the AGM, listening to your thoughts and ideas, and working together to create a positive future for the NSMBA.

Mathew Bond
President – NSMBA

Click here for a draft agenda.
Click here for a draft annual report.

To check out the thread about the nsmba click here.

Below you’ll see a map showing the location of the meeting at Jaycee House.  Hope to see you there at 7:00 this Thursday December 10th.

View Larger Map

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