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March 26, 2024, 5:29 a.m. -  Lynx .

As Timer said, Boost was/is not has not got anything to do with the "modern" geo, it's just lack of imagination, forethought or willingness to push boundaries that stagnated it. Case in point as Timer pointed out was Banshee, I have one of the 60 or so pre-production frames they did to evaluate/test the design and back then, things were tight and I only had 135 QR capable hub wheels, so those are the drop outs I got and I have no issues with running the frame.  By the time the Phantom was coming out 2 years later I'd learned my lesson and got it with 150x12 drop outs and wish I'd got the Prime with those as well, but the Prime still functions very well as is.

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